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Period (.) Definition & Examples

Often denoted by a small Dot (.), a period is a very important punctuation mark that is commonly termed a full stop and is widely used in English as it marks the end of a sentence. Every sentence requires a period (.) to be finished, otherwise, it isn’t considered grammatically complete which is why it is crucial for both the grammar and syntax of the sentence it is being inserted into.

In other words, it makes sentences whole, otherwise, they cannot be comprehended or interpreted correctly by the reader as it gives a visible cue to the reader indicating it has reached its finishing line, making it a complete unit that can be considered coherent.

Examples of Period (.)

Some common examples of how a period(.) or a full stop can be used in various formats,

Sentence Ender

The Dog is sleeping.

The boy is running.

In this example, a full stop or period inserted at the end of this syntax indicates the end of the sentence, making it one unit that could be used in a paragraph.

Abbreviation Indication

Dr.David, please come with me.

Please RSVP by Friday, Jan. 15th.”

In these sentences above, a period or full stop acts as an abbreviation indicator.

Sentence Structuring

First, gather the boys. Then, we will start the project.

Complete the survey. Then, click the submit button.

As you can see, in these sentences, a full stop provides clarity and makes a sentence whole, making it a unit so that the reader can comprehend it through its cue.

Adding Emphasis

I’m done with this. It’s time to move on.

Enough is enough. It’s time to make a change.

A full stop used here indicates the seriousness of the situation, the cue provides a sudden stopping effect giving it a solid stance.

In Bullet Point format

The benefits of learning a new language include:

  • Improved memory.
  • Enhanced problem-solving skills.
  • Increased cultural awareness.

Through the bullet point format, one can attain an idea that each sentence has ended by adding a dot (.) or a full stop at the end, as a new line would indicate the start of a new line or point.

What Are The Most Common Mistakes When Using Period Or Full Stop?

Typically, using a full stop incorrectly or more than once could ruin a sentence structure in many ways, here are a couple of examples.

Double Periods

If more than one period (.) or full stop is added at the end of the sentence, the syntax of the sentence is deemed incorrect. For example, “She is waiting for you..” is incorrect.

Incorrect Placement

Placement is the key, if the period (.) is incorrectly placed, it could change the meaning of the sentence. For example, “Let’s eat, Grandma.” versus “Let’s eat Grandma.”

The above example mentioned above will give you a precise idea of the importance of the period (.) or full stop. Make sure to insert it carefully otherwise, it could change the meaning of the sentence.

Can a period or Full stop be used after an exclamation mark or question mark?

No, just like a full stop or period (.), an exclamation mark or question mark also signifies the end of the sentence, henceforth, a full stop or period (.) cannot be before or after such punctuation marks.

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